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At Northern Regional College, we work collaboratively with employers in delivering the job training and qualifications that apprentices need to complete their apprenticeship framework.

Apprenticeships are an effective and affordable way to provide training for your staff.

Benefits to your business

Employing an apprentice can provide many benefits to your business:

  • You will be contributing to the skills need of the Northern Ireland economy - apprentices can fill any skills gaps within a workforce and can make a real contribution to your business as valued members of staff. 
  • Apprenticeships are very cost-effective way of training with apprentices typically spending one day in College and the remaining four days working.  You will be required pay the apprentices a wage (at least the national minimum wage).
  • Financial assistance - an incentive payment may be available for employers whose apprentices successfully complete their Level 2 and/or Level 3 ApprenticeshipNI framework.
  • Transfer of business knowledge as well as building stronger relationships with your local College.

If you are an employer and interested in finding out more how you can employ an apprentice or upskill your own employees, contact:

Sean McAleese, Training Manager
028 2566 4266 or 07554 118467


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