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Employ Students and Graduates

Producing high-quality, work ready graduates is what Northern Regional College does best. Contact us to find out how you can access new and recent graduates or to employ our current students for part-time opportunities. Students are also looking for companies to provide apprenticeships, work placements and Higher Level Apprenticeships. There are many ways we can work with you to maximise your company’s exposure to our students and graduates and to fill your vacancies. Contact us now.

Career Ready Programme

The Career Ready programme provides our students with real-life, industry skills and knowledge in preparation for the world of work. Partnering with Career Ready and Northern Regional College has positive effects on your employees and business as well as helping to mould the workforce of the future.

Benefits for Employers

  • Involvement is low cost and low risk – you can engage as much or as little as you want – from a masterclass to offering a six week paid internship.
  • Internship supervisors can gain practical experience in managing and coaching a young person.
  • Offering internships can help you harness and develop the key skills that help make young people ready for the world of work. Consider it as a six week interview for a future employee!
  • Career ready students can add value by undertaking projects where you do not currently have resources and also provide fresh ideas and perspectives into your business.
  • An effective testing ground for potential recruits to higher level apprenticeships.
  • Opportunity to network and liaise with other businesses.

Watch this video to find out more from current employers! Or visit Career Ready.

Alongside our Engineering opportunities, we are currently seeking employers from the Business and IT industry to provide opportunities to our students in the Mid Ulster Area.