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Northern Regional College's Safeguarding Policy Statement

At Northern Regional College we want to ensure that you experience an inclusive, enjoyable and safe environment, in which you feel respected and valued. Every day a student at risk may experience some kind of harm, abuse, ill-treatment or neglect. Safeguarding is about helping you to keep yourself safe and to prevent harm from happening in the first place. Safeguarding is also about responding to concerns about alleged and suspected harm and putting in place plans to help and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

The key principles of the College's Safeguarding Policy are:

  • To seek to provide and promote a safe learning environment for all users;
  • To ensure that all allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and treated in accordance with the College's procedures;
  • To ensure policy and related procedures on Safeguarding reflect current legislation and best practice;
  • To use best practice in its safe recruitment of staff by undertaking the appropriate pre-employment vetting checks, including enhanced disclosure checks through Access NI, and to ensure unsuitable individuals are not employed;
  • To ensure that students who undertake work placement in Regulated Activity are also subject to enhanced disclosure checks through Access NI;
  • To ensure best practice in relation to students who have declared a conviction for the abuse of a child, young person or a vulnerable adult;
  • To support, resource and train those who work with, or come in contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults;
  • To ensure procedures are in place for raising concerns, allegations or suspicions;
  • To deal with all safeguarding matters confidentially and in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection legislation and codes of practice.

The full policy can be accessed via the student intranent on the DLE.

Who do I speak to if I'm worried about a safeguarding issue?

Every campus has designated safeguarding champions who you can contact at any time with your worries.  You can also email safe@nrc.ac.uk

College Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Officers

Stephen McCartney, Head of Student Services
M: 07920 832141 
E: stephen.mccartney@nrc.ac.uk

Fiona McDowell, Equality Officer
M: 07971 824334 
E: fiona.mcdowell@nrc.ac.uk

Adult Safeguarding Officer

Laura Firth, Head of Student Experience, Quality and Exams
M: 07814 597917
E: laura.firth@nrc.ac.uk

Newtownabbey Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers

Lisa Burns - Student Finance
Nicola Davidson - Careers
Gideon Cordner - Education Support
Sarah Caddick - Education Support

Ballymena Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers

Emma Porritt - Education Support
Lesley-Anne Beacom - Student Engagement
Una O'Kane - Careers
Ruth Lawrence - Careers

Coleraine, Magherafelt and Ballymoney Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers

Julie Hemphill - Careers
Lesley-Anne Beacom - Student Engagement
Lauren Millar - Education Support Coleraine
Leo Meenan - Education Support Magherafelt
Sean Fisher - Education Support Ballymoney

Criminal Disclosure Process

The College has a duty of care to all its users to ensure their safety and wellbeing.  In order to meet these responsibilities it is necessary for all students to declare any relevant convictions, cautions and warnings to enable the College to make a judgement on any particular risks.

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar anyone from a place on a College course but a separate risk assessment or further checks may be required.

Applicant Disclosure Form