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Education Support

Northern Regional College aims to enable people with a medical condition, learning difficulties and/or disabilities to access, participate and progress within and from learning programmes, through the establishment of appropriate support mechanisms. We are working towards an environment and curriculum which meets the needs of ALL students.

How do I apply for Education Support?

Students who require support from the College with their educational needs, should in the first instance, fill in an Education Support form and return it to reception at their campus. The Education Support team will then contact you to discuss your needs and how we can best meet them.  If you have difficulty filling in the form, feel free to drop in to the Education Support office and one of the team will be happy to help you. 

Who can apply for Education Support?

Students who have a medical condition, learning difficulty and/or disability and are assessed as requiring additional support for their learning and assessments. Once you have registered with our service we will ask you to provide evidence of your disability e.g. a psychological assessment or doctor's letter. You can then book an appointment with one of our staff who will prepare an Internal Needs Assessment Report for you. If you are on a Higher Education course our staff will assist you in applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).

Types of Support

This will depend on your needs. We could help with:

  • Assessment of your additional learning needs
  • Identification of your individual learning programme and for tutorial support
  • Literacy and Numeracy support
  • Equipment and additional aids (eg. assistive technology, specialised software)
  • Special arrangements to support you with assessments or exams (eg. extra time, scribes, readers)
  • Learning Support Assistant or Notetaker (Full or part time as required)
  • Interpreters (for hearing impaired)
  • Staff taking account of your needs in the College

Helping you succeed

The College is committed to helping you succeed with your studies. We strive to ensure everyone at the College maximises their ability and fulfils their potential. In order to meet your needs we would encourage you to disclose any relevant information about your learning needs to the Education Support Co-ordinator or your Course Lecturer.

Care Experienced Students

College life can be challenging whatever your background and especially for learners in care or leaving care. At Northern Regional College, we recognise that all learners are individuals. We can offer tailored support to meet your individual needs.

If you haven’t already ‘ticked the box’ please contact our Education Support staff at your chosen campus to discuss your needs, arrange a visit with your care worker or to chat informally about your study plans. They can help put together your individual support package and help you deal with any problems.

JAM Card

Northern Regional College is a JAM card friendly organisation, allowing people with communication barriers such as learning disabilities/difficulties to let others know they need ‘Just A Minute’ of patience when interacting with them.

Students at the College can apply for a JAM card via Student Services on each campus, or download the app to their phone.

Further information can be found at https://www.nowgroup.org/jamcard

Education Support Unit/Designated Contact Details

028 7939 5232

028 2766 0401

028 7034 0148

028 7963 2462

028 9085 5000 ext 1416

Or Email educationsupport@nrc.ac.uk 

Northern Regional College works alongside AccessAble to provide an online resource giving detailed access guides to help those with disabilities to plan ahead.  Access guides can be downloaded to enable students, staff and visitors view detailed accessibility information about each campus building and facilities such as library, canteen and classrooms.  Our Ballymena student, Conor O’Kane has just recently taken up his new role as Northern Ireland Champion for AccessAble.  Read full story.