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Project Outline

The planning applications for the Coleraine Campus were presented to the Planning Committee of Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council on Wednesday, 26 June 2019, and gained cross-party support and unanimous approval by Committee members.

There will be a new, purpose-built campus on the current (but extended) site in Coleraine. The innovation zone will be a flexible area that can be adapted for a wide range of activities including cross curriculum project based learning, conferences and performances. The training restaurant and hair and beauty salon will, at set times, be open to the public to provide our students with the opportunity to train in a realistic environment. The College plans to establish the former St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Hall as a self-contained performing arts centre. This will be an additional resource not only for the College but for the community.

An important feature of the design for the new campus has been to create a strong link with the town centre through the adjacent Anderson Park and the main entrance facing the park.

An architects vision of the front entrance of the new campus in Coleraine.

An architects vision of the new campus in Coleraine from the town side of Anderson Park.

The main entrance will be via an open airy “garden room” which will extend the park space into the building. The landscape design will create an attractive reinvigorated outdoor space accessible to all. This will not only be a benefit to staff and students but also the whole community creating stronger links through to the Town Centre.

One unified campus will provide efficiencies and other economies of scale benefits, in terms of service delivery and a broader curriculum offer. Bringing the Further Education provision together on one site will strengthen the long-term future of education and training provision in this area.

The College has been working with students and staff at its Ballymoney and Coleraine Campuses regarding the transition arrangements which will be in place during the building of its new Campus on the existing site at Union Street, Coleraine, due to open in 2022.

An architects vision of the new campus in Coleraine from Union Street.

Plans are in place to have the alternative accommodation at Beresford Avenue ready for operation in time for courses commencing September 2020 and continue for 2 years during the rebuild.

During the construction of the new campus in Coleraine, the campus in Ballymoney will play an important role in maintaining the College curriculum offering. Planning and design works are well underway to temporarily move a number of courses into the Ballymoney Campus.


An architects vision of the new campus in Coleraine.

Campus Redevelopment