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Adult Education Courses start up in Cushendall


11 local women started their Level 2 Introduction to Counselling course at the Glens Youth Club in Cushendall. They are all taking part in the Learner Access and Engagement Programme, a government funded initiative, which aims to help unemployed people to improve their qualifications.

The programme is funded by the Department of Employment & Learning and is delivered by the Northern Regional College (NRC) in partnership with LEDCOM and the Causeway Enterprise Agency.

There is a wide variety of courses on offer including English, Maths, ICT, Counselling, Mixed Crafts, Make Up, Nail Art, Drawing & Painting, and Interior Design.  Many of the courses carry GCSE equivalent qualifications and are delivered by Tutors from the NRC.  LEDCOM offers the full range of LAE courses in Moyle as well as in Larne, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey.

Alison Gillan, one of the students commented “It’s brilliant that we are able to access all of these courses on our doorstep. As a busy unemployed Mum it’s not possible for me to attend the college in Ballymena so this gives me a great opportunity to get the qualifications I need to improve my job prospects”.

Pictured with the students are Valerie Adams, NRC Counselling Tutor, Councillor Margaret Anne McKillop and Patricia Casey from the Causeway Enterprise Agency.

For more information contact Patricia Casey at CEA on 07709 367882.