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Annual Irish Society Certificates of Merit Awards


The Honourable The Irish Society made their annual visit to the Coleraine campus of Northern Regional College to present special achievement awards to students in the vocational areas of Science and IT. The two recipients were Deanna Connor and Calvin Henry who were recognised as outstanding students.

Deanna commenced her studies on the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science in September 2015. During her time in the College, as well as an excellent record of attendance and punctuality Deanna has been highly regarded by both her peers and lecturers. She meets assignment deadlines with ease and has worked hard to emergeat the top end of her class.  She has also been a motivational team member, actively involved in leading her classmates in the work required. 
Outside of college, Deanna works part-time and has a passion for horse riding – all of which she manages to do whilst juggling the demands of her academic studies.

Alan Gibson, course co-ordinator at Northern Regional College said: “Deanna has demonstrated good mathematical skills in the science course, where calculations have played a major role in both chemistry and physics units. I feel that she would be able and competent to follow any qualification, which has a need for scientific skills. Deanna has a good analytical mind, excellent levels of concentration and is very committed to her studies. She has also shown a keen interest in biomedical science and its various applications.”

“It is with all these qualities in mind, complemented by her sound academic ability, that I believe she will be an asset to any organisation, will work hard and show commitment and energy in achieving her career objectives.” 
Deanna now plans to progress to Ulster University in Coleraine to study Biomedical Science.  The entire staff of the college’s Science Department would like to congratulate her on her outstanding achievements to date and wish her well in future.
Calvin, having completed his GCSEs at Ballymoney High School, enrolled at the Coleraine campus of Northern Regional College in September 2015 to study BTEC Extended Diploma in Information Technology (Software Design).  He achieved an exceptional sixteen Distinctions and two Merits.

Calvin’s academic success is thanks to his dedication, hard work and discipline.  One of his lecturers once said: “Ask Calvin to come in on a Saturday morning to finish his course work, and he would”.

The subject Calvin excelled this year was Event-driven Programming, in which he achieved a Distinction.  His career path is now taking him into Software Design and he plans to progress to Queens University, Belfast to undertake an Honours Degree in Computing.  His lecturers are confident that he will also achieve highly at undergraduate level and wish him every success in his future studies. 

Professor Terri Scott, Principal & Chief Executive of Northern Regional College concluded, “I would like thank The Honourable The Irish Society for their continued support in annually acknowledging and celebrating student achievements. It is important to recognise the remarkable success of our outstanding students – young people today have so many distractions so it is good to pause and acknowledge what they have achieved. 

“Congratulations to the two worthy recipients of the Irish Society Award, Deana and Calvin.  On behalf of the entire staff in both the Science and Computing departments I wish them well in their continued studies at university and future educational pursuits and professional careers.  I would also like to pay tribute to the College staff for ensuring that our students reach their full potential.”