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Annual Irish Society Certificates of Merit Awards 2014


The Honourable Irish Society made their annual visit to the Coleraine campus of the Northern Regional College last week to present special achievement awards to the students in the vocational areas of Construction and Business. The two recipients were Arlene McMullan and Amy Doherty who were recognised as outstanding students.

Arlene commenced her studies on the BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment in September 2012, having achieved excellent grades in her GCSEs whilst at Ballycastle High School. From day 1 Arlene has proved to be a dedicated student, consistently producing coursework of a very high standard and generally in advance of set deadlines.

Arlene has a busy life outside of college, combining part-time employment in a local hotel with her varied interests in Clydesdale Horseshows and Motocross.

There is no doubt that Arlene’s dedication to her studies will result in a first class extended diploma. This will serve her well as she intends to continue her education, studying Quantity Surveying, at the University of Ulster.

The entire staff of the School of the Built Environment would like to congratulate Arlene on her outstanding achievements to date and wish her well in her future educational pursuits and professional career. She is a very worthy recipient of the Irish Society Award.

Amy came to NRC with 10 excellent GCSE grades from Coleraine High School, and an AS Level in Art & Design from Dalriada School.  After much thought, she decided that she would not pursue the “A” Level route at Dalriada, but instead applied for the BTEC National Diploma in Business at the Northern Regional College.

Amy has excelled right throughout the course and is on target to achieve 3 D* (in old money that the same as 3 A’s in your “A” levels).  She is extremely focused, thoroughly professional and has consistently delivered work of a very high standard over the last 2 years at the college

Amy has worked part time for the last 3.5 years in a Fashion Retailers in Coleraine called Monsoon, where she is a valued member of staff.  This experience has given her a passion for working in business, so much so that she has asked to be transferred to a Belfast branch whilst she continues her studies.  The combination of study and work has given Amy a more complete view of the business world which has been very evident in her assignment work at College.

Amy has said quite openly that she has loved the “Tech” experience and that she will be sad to leave her peers and Tutors.  The Business Team have watched Amy’s confidence and ability grow whilst at the College which will stand her in good stead for studying Business Management at Queen’s University over the next 3 years.  The Team are exceptionally proud of her and her achievements and are very pleased that the NRC played a part in her educational journey.  The team wish Amy every success and happiness in the future and look forward to following her career over the next 10 years.