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Are you a Carer?Would you like to find out what services/support is available to you and your family


The Living & Learning Together project in partnership with Antrim Borough Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Age NI, Crumlin Seniors Group, Cignet and the Carers Trust are organising a Carers/ Seniors Information event to be held in St John's Church of Ireland Hall, 5 Lurgan Road, Crumlin, Wednesday 17 September, 11.00 am to 3.00 pm.

There will be a range of organisations attending to offer advice and support such as:

Community Safety representatives, Carers NI, Carers Trust, Citizens Advice, Alzheimer’s society, Diabetes Uk

Everyone is welcome to drop in at any stage throughout the day, tea coffee and light refreshments will be provided.  There will be free complimentary therapy taster sessions available on the day and a free draw.

The Living and Learning Together project is a 5 year Big Lottery funded programme assisting communities in the Magherafelt and Antrim area to Enhance and develop skills, to address health and wellbeing issues and to develop social inclusion.  The programme is committed to bringing real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need.

For further information on the event please see the project website: www.livingandlearningtogether.org

or contact; Marie Donaghy, Project Manager

Big Lottery Live & Learn Project

Northern Regional College, Room G20, 22 Moneymore Road

Tel: 02879 395237, Mobile: 07899915708
Email: marie.donaghy@nrc.ac.uk