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Ballymena NRC Engineering Student Awarded the Concorde Cup for Excellence


Congratulations to NRC student Dean Boyle who has been awarded the Concorde Cup for Engineering for his overall performance and attitude towards his work. Dean has been studying for the past 2 years on a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering at NRC’s Farm Lodge Ballymena Campus where he acquired excellent practical skills and developed a deeper understanding of engineering principles used in industry achieving 19 Distinctions in all the units studied and an overall profile D*D*D*.

 William Watson, Career Academy Engineering Manager, completed Dean’s profile:

“Dean Boyle has recently graduated at Stormont Castle from the Career Academy Engineering programme on Wed 28th May. Dean spent 6 weeks working on CNC programming projects with McAuley Engineering in summer 2013. The company were very impressed with his attitude and ability and have invited Dean back to the company to work for this summer 2014 before he progresses to Level 5 Foundation Degree Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering at NRC.

Dean is a very capable student with an excellent attitude to succeed in whatever area of engineering that he chooses. He is a great ambassador for NRC and the Career Academy Engineering programme.”