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Bespoke Training for Tullyglass Staff


Northern Regional College has developed a bespoke training programme to help staff at Tullyglass Hotel continue to deliver exemplary service to guests. Almost forty full-time and part-time staff from across all departments in the popular County Antrim hotel have now completed accredited training programmes in Customer Service and Sales. Both courses were delivered by Hayley Love, a part time lecturer at the College who has a wealth of experience in the hospitality sector.

The bespoke training, which included a series of case studies and role plays, will ensure that Tullyglass staff have a better understanding of how to assess and understand customer needs and how to go that extra mile to improve customer satisfaction.

As a leading provider of training and education across four of Northern Ireland’s 11 local Council areas (Antrim and Newtownabbey, Causeway Coast and Glens, Mid Antrim and East Ulster and Mid Ulster),Northern Regional College works closely with a wide variety of business organisations. Together they identify skills gaps and then develop customised training programmes to meet those needs. 

Allastar McGarry, Business Development Executive at the College explains the cost to businesses accessing the training provided by the College is kept to a minimum.
“Upskilling staff is necessary if we are to grow the economy so the Department for the Economy has made training a priority, and provides financial support to cover up to 75% of training costs.”

Congratulating staff on completing their training, Nadine McCloskey, Receptionist Manager at Tullyglass Hotel said: “Tullyglass Hotel is renowned for its relaxing atmosphere and its high quality of food using the best of local ingredients. Our staff are key to ensuring that customers leave with happy memories of their stay with us and we are committed to ensuring that all staff have the skills and knowledge to provide excellent customer service.

To find out more about how Northern Regional College can support your business, contact our Business Development Team at business.support@nrc.ac.uk.