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Big Lottery Empower Project to Support Families


A £700,000 Big Lottery Fund project launched today (21st May) will support children who have autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia living in the Antrim and Magherafelt area. The Empower project, funded under the Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Out: Supporting Families programme, will support children under 12, their parents and the wider family circle to develop confidence and learn together to develop skills to support their children. The project will work with four main target groups: parents, the wider family circle, children and young people and wider stakeholders. The project will also engage with health professionals, schools, childcare providers and other groups to raise awareness of autism, dyslexia &dyspraxia, encourage early diagnosis and referral to specialist services and educate on best practice.

The five year project is a partnership initiative by the following organisations: DADs (Dyslexia and Dyspraxia support); Northern Regional College; Magherafelt Learning Partnership; Mid Ulster District Council; Cookstown and Western Shores Area Network; Autism NI; Stars Autism Project: Magherafelt and Cookstown Volunteer Centre; Education Authority – North Eastern region and the Public Health Agency.

There has been a 67% increase in the number of school age children in Northern Ireland diagnosed as having autism across all trust areas, according to the Department of Health’s Prevalence of Autism in School Age Children in Northern Ireland 2014. The figures include children with Asperger syndrome.


Gerry Lynch the Chairperson of DADS said “This is a real boost for local families whose children suffer from special educational needs.  As a partner in the Living & Learning Together Project we recognise the positive effects Big Lottery funding can have on the community.  There are many desperate parents out there searching for help for their children.  This award will go a long way to offering them the support they need”. 


Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund NI Director, said: “We are delighted to be funding this project through our Supporting Families programme. It will strengthen families’ ability to cope with the challenges they face. We hope it will have a really positive impact on the lives of people who need our help the most.”


For additional Information please contact;

DADS – Dyslexia and Dyspraxia support

Unit 2, 80-82 Rainey Street

Email: dyslexia.dyspraxia@yahoo.com