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Bridge to Exciting Career Opportunities in Hospitality Sector


If you are unemployed, aged over 18 years, and would like to work in the hospitality sector, read on to learn about an exciting opportunity to kickstart your career. Northern Regional College and the McKeever Hotel Group, in conjunction with the Department for the Economy, has developed an intensive programme to give unemployed people the skills needed to apply for vacancies within the Group.

The McKeever Group, which has four hotels in Northern Ireland: Adair Arms Hotel, Ballymena; Corr’s Corner Hotel, Newtownabbey; Dunswillly Hotel, Antrim; Dunadry Hotel, Dunadry as well as Dillon’s Hotel in Donegal, is currently recruiting Hospitality Assistants for customer facing areas – which includes bars, restaurants and housekeeping – across all its hotels.

The training programme, which will run for three weeks at the College’s Trostan Ave campus in Ballymena, is designed to give a sound understanding of the role and duties of a Hospitality Assistant. It will cover Customer Service, Operative Standards and Health and Safety.

While you are doing the training programme, you will retain your benefits. You will also be reimbursed for travel expenses and may be eligible for child care allowance.

When the training is successfully completed, you will be interviewed by the McKeever Hotel Group, with a view to being offered permanent employment. At least 80% of people who successfully complete Bridge to Employment training courses and attend a subsequent interview get jobs.

Application forms are now available at Jobs and Benefits Offices. Completed forms must be returned to any Jobs and Benefits Office by 4 pm Tuesday October 16 2018.