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College students benefit from SUSE+ programme


The Care and Access Department at Northern Regional College has welcomed back some former health and social care students to receive their qualification certificates. The qualification was delivered via an innovative collaboration between Northern Regional College (Northern) and South West College’s SUSE+ Project (Step Up to Sustainable Employment). The students undertook units from the level one award in vocational skills.

Alison Farquhar (SUSE+ lead mentor) explained:  ‘The project aims to provide support, guidance and qualifications to help unemployed and economically inactive adults (aged 16+) to progress into sustainable employment. We work one on one, and in groups, to provide the upskilling and support needed for entering the job market’.

The project operates in SWC’s catchment areas, this overlaps with Northern Regional College, so the colleges have collaborated to allow learners from Magherafelt and the surrounding areas to benefit. SUSE+ recruits and mentors the learners, with qualifications delivered by college lecturers.

‘The demand for qualifications in health and social care has increased steadily in recent years, and shows no signs of slowing down,’ said James Davies, Assistant Head of Department at Northern. ‘Employment opportunities in the health and care fields are numerous, and we are delighted to partner with SUSE+ to offer courses in this field. These level one qualifications make an ideal stepping stone to employment, or further study’.

For further information on the SUSE+ project, please contact alison.farquhar@swc.ac.uk. For details on health and social care provision at Northern Regional College, please email james.davies@nrc.ac.uk