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College was door-opener for disappointed student


David Doone passed his A Levels with grades A, B and C but it was not enough to secure a place on the Business with ICT degree course at Queen’s University. The former Ballyclare High School pupil researched his options online and realised he could do a Foundation Degree in Business with Digital Technology at Northern Regional College’s Newtownabbey campus.

David explains, “Our school didn’t encourage us to even consider alternative routes like the Foundation Degree. The whole focus was on getting to university so any career advice was driven by university options.” 

Although doing a Foundation Degree was not his first choice, with the benefit of hindsight, he says it was definitely the best option for him.  

 He adds: “The Foundation Degree is such a good alternative pathway to university and I think students should be given more information about this qualification. 

“College is more relaxed than school but it’s not just that: the subjects we study are relevant; we have an opportunity to get industrial experience; and the way we are taught are all a great preparation for going to university. I’d originally wanted to go to university straight from school but doing the Foundation Degree has made be much better prepared to cope.”