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David Hunter awarded Honorary Fellowship by Northern Regional College


David Hunter, Chief Executive of Larne-based social enterprise, Access Employment Limited (AEL), has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by Northern Regional College. Working with AEL, the College has recently rebranded its site in Larne as the ‘Larne Community Hub’. AEL delivers college courses there and uses it as a base for social enterprises.

David, who began his career as a business developer, was recently awarded the impressive accolades of the Northern Ireland Social Enterprise ‘Leader of the Year’ for 2018 and CEO of the NI ‘Social Enterprise of the Year 2018’ for his work at AEL.

Professor Terri Scott, Principal and Chief Executive of Northern Regional College stated: “David’s work demonstrates perfectly the importance of commitment to community and placing value on every individual within that community. His values, and those of AEL, align perfectly with those of Northern Regional College and we are delighted to award him with this Honorary Fellowship.”

David commented: “I am very pleased to receive an Honorary Fellowship from Northern Regional College. Together with the College we have worked hard to provide a critical service for local people and communities, so it is an honour to accept this award.”

Northern Regional College’s Winter Graduations took place on Thursday 13 December 2018 at the Galgorm Resort and Spa.