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Double Celebration for Two Talented NRC Film Students


The Northern Regional College is celebrating not one but two RTS Students awards at a recent ceremony in Belfast. Student Richard Parke won the Open Award sponsored by Sixteen South for his production ‘Say Something’. Naomi Doherty topped the Comedy & Entertainment section sponsored by Stellify Media for ‘Classroom Coliseum’. Both students will go forward to the overall RTS Student Television Awards which will be held in London later this year.

The event recognises the work and talent of young people studying media and associated subjects in local further and education colleges. 

Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry presented the awards on the night.  Minister Farry said ‘The creative media industry is of growing importance to Northern Ireland and we need to encourage and develop the creative talent of our students to achieve further success in this economically important sector.  This event is proof that collaboration between industries and our educational establishments is encouraging the innovative approaches which provide the knowledge, skills, research and development that are fundamental to our economy’s future success.’

RTS NI aspires to bring together the creative industries in Northern Ireland - not exclusive to broadcasting - to explore and debate the issues currently facing the industry while also inspiring the next generation.