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Employers’ Networking Breakfast


Northern Regional College opened the doors of its Magherafelt Campus early this morning to welcome employers from across the Mid-Ulster area to a Networking Breakfast. Attendees represented companies from across a number of sectors including construction, manufacturing and engineering. Professor Terri Scott, Principal & Chief Executive, updated guests on recent College developments, while Dr Steve Brankin, Vice-Principal Business Development & Transformation and Clare O’Neill, Head of Business Development highlighted the variety of funded training packages which the College can deliver for employers of all sizes in order to ensure they can fill vacancies with skilled employees, and upskill those already working for them.

After breakfast, guests were able to get involved in using some of the hi-tech equipment used to train engineering students – including a Virtual Welder. 

Pictured are David McConaghie, Training & Development Manager from Henry Brothers Ltd, Dr Steve Brankin, Vice Principal : Business Development & Transformation and Shauna Young, Project Skills Co-ordinator from Heron Bros trying their hand at virtual welding this morning.

To talk to us about training or upskilling your workforce, please contact the Business Development Team on 028 2563 6258.