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Endurance Sports Workshop Hosted by NRC


Seasoned sport enthusiasts, flocked to a Northern Regional College workshop which was hosted at the University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus, to explore and learn how best to integrate various strategies, outside of the usual endurance training, to more effectively train and compete.

The workshop, which was funded by Connected, was organised to provide a platform for knowledge transfer to the social economy sector and to raise awareness of the value and benefits of the project.

The event provided tips on how an athlete and coach can plan for a successful year. Topics included Sports Psychology Techniques, Nutrition for Training and Competing in the Marathon des Sables, Strength and Conditioning for Endurance Athletes and Prevention and Treatment of Common Sports Injuries in Endurance Athletes.

Aaron Ballantyne, NRC Sports Curriculum Manager who organised the workshop said, “This was a great opportunity for athletes and coaches to hear some highly qualified and experienced speakers who would help them think outside the box. The day was aimed at looking at tried and tested techniques and strategies that could help competitors get those marginal gains that lead to improving performance.”

Guest speakers at the event included Dr Robert Bones, University of Ulster, Noel Brick, NRC Lecturer, Laura Kerr, Athletics Northern Ireland and Adam Wilson, North Cost Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic.

Organisations who attended were Causeway Cycling Club, Triangle Triathlon Club and Olympian Triathlon Club. Aaron added that “The feedback from our event has been excellent, the tangible and intangible values and benefits of this Connected project will unquestionably assist these sporting groups.”   

Sonia Knox, who participated in the training said “Such a wealth of information - I will be definitely looking at my training in a different way.’