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Engineering Students Visit Ryobi Aluminium Castings


Level 3 BTEC Engineering students from Northern Regional College Newtownabbey campus visited Ryobi Aluminium Castings last week to view the state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. This industrial visit was incorporated into their Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials Unit to help the students get a better understanding of how materials are processed and tested in local industry.

Students were able to view the complete journey of how the aluminium ingots are processed and die cast into engine blocks and gearbox housings as well as many other products.

Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Ltd is an innovative, world class supplier of high quality, technically complex automotive components. Based in Carrickfergus, Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Ltd is a proud member of the Ryobi Group.

As a result of this visit the Level 3 students are taking part in a Problem Based Learning day. During this challenge they aim to apply their knowledge and skills to solve an industrial problem presented to them by the Small Castings Factory Manager, Keith Bruce.