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Foundation Degree in Computing student wins Relay’s Technical Software Challenge


Congratulations to Gary Holmes, Foundation Degree in Computing student who won the technical challenge set by Relay during a recent seminar at Northern Regional College. The challenge required students to analyse a problem and develop an effective solution. The aim was to develop their problem solving skills and programming ability.

Jennifer Hyndman, Foundation Degree in Computing course director from Northern Regional College, added,
“It is a great opportunity for our students to apply the skills they have developed throughout the Foundation Degree course to a real world challenge offered by Relay Software. This will allow them to contextualise their course and get feedback on their effort related to the current industry standards.”

Paul Connolly, Junior Software Developer from Relay Software, continued,
“The enthusiasm and passion from computing students at the seminar was exceptional.  I came to Relay on a placement from Belfast Met back in 2014, and was subsequently offered a full-time position with the company upon graduation. During the placement I was part of a thriving team of software development professionals, working on live software applications, which allowed me to build on my technology skills and expedite my learning. As part of my continuing professional development and their ‘Earn as You Learn’ scheme, Relay is currently fully funding my part time BSC Honours Degree in Computing Systems at the Ulster University. Relay is an ambitious, market leading business focused on its people.  A work based placement with us would be a smart career move for anyone serious about a career in the industry. We look forward to having multiple students on the team and growing our relationship with the Northern Regional College.”

Gary has also been successful in gaining a work placement at Relay during the Summer but also continuing from February 2017 as part of the mandatory work placement element of the Foundation Degree course.  This is an excellent opportunity for him to gain industry experience and allow him to enhance his theoretical skills through practical experience.