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GAA Academy Students Power Up


The GAA Academy Students at Northern Regional College Magherafelt have gained some extra energy as they display their new kit sponsored by one of Northern Ireland’s top companies, Go Power. This unique academy enables students between the ages of 16-19 to gain invaluable education in areas such as sports therapy, physiology and sports psychology, in addition to developing practical and coaching skills by working alongside the Derry GAA Coaching and Games Development team. This key practical aspect should also be of interest to local clubs. Players have the opportunity to gain dedicated coaching experience and training in squad support services alongside the development of their practical playing skills.

Outside of the classroom, the students participate in tournaments throughout Northern Ireland and last year were finalists in the Ward Cup.  The sponsorship of the kits has greatly benefited the students in their quest to bring home the title to the college this year.   Martina McSorley (Sales Representative) at Go Power explains ‘we are delighted here at GO Power to be able to support our local college and wish them every success in the future’.

Applications are now open for this Level 3 qualification which is equivalent to 3 A Levels.