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Helping Adults Back to Learning


Around 25 learners from the Moyle area gathered at Causeway Enterprise Agency in Ballycastle this week to celebrate their learning achievements funded through the Learner Access and Engagement Programme, a Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) initiative.

The programme is run jointly between Northern Regional College and LEDCOM who are working in partnership with the Causeway Enterprise Agency. Its aim in particular is to engage with learners who are currently unemployed and hold no more than one qualification at level 2 or above.  All courses are delivered in local community settings and include everything from essential skills in ICT, Maths and English to counselling, interior design, fashion, sports leadership, drawing and painting and food safety for catering.

Jenny Heverin, a busy Mum with 3 children who undertook the programme said, ““I was unable to continue my education first time round because I became a Mummy in my teens.   As a busy single parent it was impossible for me to travel to any of the NRC Campuses. But when I heard that there were courses taking place locally at the Enterprise Centre, I jumped at the chance to improve my prospects.

I did my Essential skills English and Maths and have just completed my Level 2 in Counselling.  I have always been interested in Counselling and it was fantastic to be able to do the course right on my doorstep.”

Jenny continued, “We had a fantastic Teacher from the NRC and I really enjoyed the course and made many new friends. I have now applied to the College to go on to do the next level of the course in Ballymena and am waiting for my Interview.”

Congratulating the learners, Patricia Brennan, Programme Manager from LEDCOM said, “Returning to education can seem daunting but we support people along this journey; we’re all in it together. Our partners at Causeway Enterprise have been hugely successful in reaching out to local people and encouraging them to take this first step”.

For further information on courses available through the Learner Access and Engagement Programme, please call or text Patricia Casey on 07709 367882 or email patricia@causeway-enterprise.co.uk