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Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) in Accountancy Applications Open


Northern Regional College has opened applications for the increasingly popular and competitive Higher Level Apprenticeship in Accountancy. Now in its third year this qualification provides a proven alternative route to a career in the Accountancy and Finance profession. After successful completion of the two year programme students can progress to either Chartered Accountancy exams or Chartered Management exams (CIMA).

Commenting on the success of the programme over the past two years, course coordinator at Northern Regional College.  Anne McCallum said:  “This is our third year of the course and the first of our graduates are coming out now. I’m delighted to say all our graduates have been offered employment.

“Applicants to this year’s course will need strong A level grades with at least 200 UCAS points to be considered. Those selected go forward for interview with our panel of employers to secure a place. Students study at the Northern Regional College one day a week and work for their employer the other four days under a two-year employment contract. They can work within an accountancy practice or the accounts department in a company.

“The Higher Apprenticeship students not only obtain their accountancy qualifications they earn a regular salary and at the end of two years can start a highly-skilled career without the student debt that university students may have built up.

“In our last two cohorts of students we’ve had school leavers as well as those changing directions and several of this year’s graduates have been seconded onto the course by the companies they already work for.”

“As for our employers, they reap the rewards of having fully funded training of new or existing employees who can work across a range of accountancy tasks such as payroll, Vat and profit and loss accounts.

“It is important that anyone interested applies immediately as selection is an ongoing process to meet the needs of participating employers by emailing anne.mccallum@nrc.ac.uk.