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IT Career Academy Partners in Business


IT Career Academy Local Advisory Board Back Row L-R – Adrian Watson (Careers Academy), Noel Doyle (McAuley Engineering), Paul Vance (Randox), Hayden Kinley (Careers Academy), David Bingham (JTI), Ken Crabbe (Michelin), Gary Agnew (Michelin). Front Row L-R – Darren Nickels (Marketstall), Gemma Goodrich (Career Academy Manager, NRC), Eunice Campbell (Diamond), Carol Wilson (Danske), Norman Black (RFCA), Steven Walls (NRC), Sam Bell (NRC)

The second Careers Academy Local Advisory Board meeting took place in Michelin recently to continue developing the NRC Career Academy in IT. The group meet as Partners in Business and are volunteers who provide NRC Career Academy students with one-to one support. They range from recent graduates to managing directors, in both the private and public sectors. Each Partner in Business plays an important role in the Career Academy experience, acting as a role model, critical friend and advisor.

This academy offers exciting opportunities to Level 3 IT students such as, visits, seminars, masterclasses, practice interviews and curriculum vitae development. Students also receive a mentor from IT industry, a 6 week paid internship commencing in July 2015, and an additional BTEC Level 3 qualification in Workskills.