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Live Logo Design N-Gages Youth


The Art and Design students of the Northern Regional College, Ballymena Campus have, as part of their course, been given the opportunity to help design a logo for youth organisation Start360's new drop-in centre in Ballymena which is opening shortly. The centre will be a 'One Stop Shop' for young people aged 11-25 for advice on a range of issues as well as a comfortable informal social environment.

The Art and Design students came up with the name 'N-Gage' and submitted entries for the logo design incorporating strong colours, bold lettering and the symbol of speech bubbles to represent young people engaging in conversation and having a place to talk in a safe, friendly environment.

Lecturer Wendy Waring commented, "This was a fantastic opportunity for the students to take part in a live local project, working together with Start360. They have inspired an eye-catching design for the drop-in centre which will be dedicated to the young people of their community."

Curriculum Manager for Art and Design Darlene Hagan-Bezgin congratulated staff and students alike on this project and commented that "we are always looking for live projects, as this gives students an opportunity to gain an insight into working in industry." The final design was inspired by the creative work of BTEC Extended Diploma students Antonia Cunningham, Zach Robinson and Robert Mackey.

If you are interested in finding out more about our Art & Design courses visit www.nrc.ac.uk or contact Darlene Hagan-Bezgin on 028 7963 2462.