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Local Industry Experts deliver Master Class to NRC Computing Students


Local industry experts visited computing students at the Farm Lodge Campus of the NRC to deliver Master Class lectures on a range of diverse and exciting opportunities available to students in the world of computing. Students in the IT Career Academy and the Software Professional course received talks from SQS (World leader in Software Quality), Schrader Electronics (Manufacturer of tyre pressure monitors) and McAuley Engineering (manufacturer and supplier of sheet metal parts and components).

These cutting edge local employers (who compete on the global market) demonstrated to students the key role IT plays in their ongoing development, which gives them a competitive edge over rival organisations all over the world.

Students were informed how they could apply for positions in these organisations, the skills and expertise they are expected to have and the sort of role they would begin in and work towards.  This information reinforced what computing lecturers are delivering in class as well as the range of experiences that students are exposed to increase their employability.
NRC Computing staff (in particular Gemma Goodrich and Brian Lyons) and students want to extend a sincere thanks to SQS, Schrader Electronics and McAuley Engineering, who took time out of their busy schedules to support computing students at the NRC.