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No Smoking Day: Wed 8 March 2017


As part of its health and wellbeing activities, Northern Regional College is teaming up with health professionals in smoking cessation across all campus on 8 March 2017, National No Smoking Day. Students and staff are being encouraged to participate in activities including Carbon Monoxide monitoring and demonstrations, as well as accessing information about local quit smoking services. The College has designed its own creative campaign to promote this national event.

Members of the College’s health and wellbeing team will also be on hand to provide advice and support.

Professor Terri Scott, Principal & Chief Executive said: “As an organisation with some 800 staff and over 20,000 registered students, their health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance to us.  Participating in No Smoking Day is one initiative where we can actively encourage everyone to think about their health and offer support to help them improve it.”

Anyone requiring help and information on free stop smoking services can visit want2stop.info