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Northern Regional College improve Business Techniques with Belfast International Airport


Northern Regional College in partnership with the Department for Employment and Learning have recently delivered a Business Improvement Techniques course to Belfast International Airport staff. These staff were made up from a range of disciplines with the airport which included, Operations, Airport Police and Rescue and Fire Fighting departments

The course funded by the Department for Employment and Learning  aims to improve business performance in Quality, Cost, Delivery and Safety and to assist the workforce in achieving an NVQ Level 2 qualification.  It is made up of six units and is completed within six weeks.  The training was completed ‘on site’ by Northern Regional College and was delivered on a day release basis. 

Allastar McGarry Business Support Manager at Northern Regional College explains ‘This course was developed to help staff look at their job roles on a day to day basis and review business performance in a range of areas.  The course concluded by participants delivering their final proposals to Belfast International Airport Managing Director Graham Keddie who then gave the authority to implement staff ideas within the company.”

Jaclyn Coulter, HR Manager at Belfast International Airport explains the benefits for the company offering this course to employees. “Our nine participants began this journey looking at the skills and theories around team working, workplace organisation, continuous improvement and management systems, to provide a good baseline in which to review what areas of the business they felt they could strengthen through either improvements aimed at reducing cost, minimising waste or increasing potential revenue streams.  The six projects under the B-IT programme are being implemented and led by the employees themselves. This can-do aspect of the work has boosted confidence, developed camaraderie and greatly assisted personal development. From both employee and employer perspectives, this approach has proved invaluable”

For further information on how Northern Regional College can help improve your Business Techniques please contact Allastar McGarry on 07789904679 or email allastar.mcgarry@nrc.ac.uk