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Northern Regional College Offers a Stepping Stone to Career in Nursing


Unlike hundreds of students who were anxiously awaiting A level results this month, Northern Regional College student Chad Horner had his route to university already mapped out. Chad completed a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care at the College’s Newtownabbey campus to lay a solid foundation for a successful career in nursing.

He had already secured 120 Open University credits but opted study at the College because of way the course was structured.

“I felt I needed to improve my Highlight knowledge of health and social care. The course included 200 hours of work placement so I was able to experience a variety of different healthcare environments,” he says, adding that tutor support and an opportunity to mentor childcare students were also important factors in helping him come to a decision.

“The course is very student centred with a focus on helping every individual to achieve their best.”  Having successfully completed an Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care, Chad’s next step on his journey to a career in nursing is to study Adult Nursing at university.