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Northern Regional College Students Aim Higher


Over 600 Northern Regional College Higher Education students celebrated success at the College’s graduation ceremony held at the Tullyglass Hotel in December. Students graduated from the Faculty of Care, Access and Creative Arts, the Faculty of Building, Engineering and Science and the Faculty of Professional and Leisure Studies. Guest speakers included John Armstrong, Managing Director, Armstrong Medical and Colin Walsh, Chair of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Northern Ireland.

Northern College offers a range of Foundation Degrees in subject areas such as Built Environment, Engineering, Applied Science, Business and Computing, Social Care, Counselling and Media as well as Professional Qualifications at Level 4 and above.  Building on the success of the Higher Level Apprenticeship in Engineering the College offered a new Higher Level Apprenticeship in Accountancy in September 2015.

Speaking at the event Principal & Chief Executive, Professor Terri Scott emphasised the importance of understanding student needs to secure future prosperity.  Professor Scott said, “No longer can we assume an attitude of ‘build it and they will come’. The world around us offers many competing attractions for students’ time and interest.  Northern Regional College must learn to play on this level playing field, and we have taken our first steps. It is a period of renewal and I believe an exciting time to be a member of the Northern College learning community whether you are a member of staff or a student.  We have identified specific areas in which we will redouble our efforts:

For our students we aim to offer:

  • Improved experience, outstanding teaching and learning, better technology, increased recruitment and retention, and an enhanced curriculum
  • In managing Internal Resources we are focusing upon:
  • Financial sustainability, business improvement, and creating a high quality learning environment.
  • With our External Stakeholders our focus is upon:
  • Engagement and partnership. This translates into practical actionable areas that focus upon:

up skilling of our local population and providing structured work based learning.
Driving innovation, supporting SMEs and further collaboration with industry.
Relationship building with Area Learning Partnerships, engaging with local schools and colleges and partnerships with both Universities.”

Professor Scott continued, “We have invested £3m in technology across all disciplines which supports the STEM agenda of Science Technology Engineering and Maths, and also underpins innovative learning in creative arts- performance, music technology and digital broadcasting. Major changes are underway to improve the student experience for every student that chooses Northern College. We have a new Digital learning team embedding digital content and competencies across all subject areas.”