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Northern Regional College Students Gear Up for North West 200


Travel & Tourism students from Northern Regional College will be supporting Ireland’s largest outdoor sporting event from Sunday 8th to Saturday 14th May as the Race Week Festival for the North West 200 gets underway. Over 800 people volunteer at the North West 200 in various roles and this year Rowan Moffit-Clarke who is completing the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism and Hannah Goddard from Level 2 Traineeship in Travel and Tourism both at Northern Regional College, Coleraine are assisting in the areas of Hospitality and Catering and Event Ambassador & Event Survey roles.

The students are volunteering as part of Volunteer Now who working closely with NW200 to develop its volunteer structure and encourage the next generation of volunteers.
Richard Hasson, Travel and Tourism lecturer at Northern Regional College, explains,
“We are very keen to encourage our Travel and Tourism students to become involved in volunteer work at our local visitor attractions and within the major tourism events that are hosted along the North Coast each year.  The experiences gained by students are clearly linked to their studies in Travel and Tourism and can help to boost employment prospects for students in their future careers.  At the NW200 students can gain invaluable exposure to the management of an international event.”
North West 200 Event and Operations Manager Fergus MacKay said “With a large programme of events taking place throughout Race Week and biking fans in excess of 100,000 descending on the circuit we are glad to have such dedicated volunteers who can use their knowledge of travel and tourism to ensure fans have a world class experience at the North West 200.”