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Northern Regional College Students to Get Enhanced Experience in Classroom


Students at Northern Regional College will benefit from improved classroom experiences, thanks to the generosity of an industry leader. SafeGuard Clothing, a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of body armour has donated equipment to the College. It will be used by students on the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services for role-play and detailed technical analysis.

Paul Garrett Course Coordinator, Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services (Uniformed) said SafeGuard Clothing’s generous donation of modern body armour was in line with Northern Regional College’s commitment to giving students a high quality vocational education in a friendly and supportive environment.

“Lecturers at Northern Regional College are committed to creating a positive and dynamic learning experience for all our students. As part of their course, Public Services students are assessed in a variety of ways, including role play scenarios. The donated SafeGuard Clothing equipment will give our students first hand and realistic experience of using industry specific equipment. This will help improve their employability by giving them a greater understanding of the nature of the work that the uniformed public services have to undertake on a daily basis and the type of equipment they rely on to keep them safe.”

The Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services is a specialist two year full time course, ideal anyone interested in pursuing a career in the uniformed public services, including the Fire and Rescue Service, Police Services, Armed Forces, HM Prison Service and HM Revenue & Customs. The course, which has been offered by  Northern Regional College for the past five years, is the equivalent of three A Levels. Many former students have gone directly into employment while others have progressed to university to study Criminology, Policing, Criminal Justice or other related subjects.

Thomas Bowman, speaking on behalf of SafeGuard Clothing, said: “We believe access to body armour should be made available for all students in Public Services courses. Safeguard’s applied industry based model in our manufacturing process is achieved through continuous and strong collaborations with the Police, MoD, Fire Service and Ambulance services. This allows us to really enhance the quality of our tactical vests. We hope that by sharing this knowledge with the College, we will help the students both academically and professionally.

"On behalf of students and staff I would like to thank SafeGuard Clothing for their generous donation. Donations like this help to prepare our students for their future careers in the Uniformed Public Services and gives them hands on experience of using vital pieces of Personal Protective Equipment.