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Northern Regional College to Deliver Bespoke Resilience Training for Students


Northern Regional College has embarked on a joint initiative with South West Regional College to promote positive mental health among students by offering them online resilience training. Resilience training was previously delivered on a face-to-face basis as part of the College’s health and well-being strategy but, as Stephen McCartney, Head of Student Support at the College explains, the COVID-19 crises has prompted them to think outside the box and do things differently.

“For some of our students, going to College is an important part of their routine and they rely on the support they get from lecturers and others in their class. We want to reassure them that although the College’s doors are closed, we are still working and that support is there for them if they need it.”

Stephen added: “Building resilience can help us develop coping strategies to maintain balance in our lives during times of stress. This is a departure from we normally do but in these exceptional circumstances, we decided to take the initiative and provide something tangible for the students to interact with, participate in and learn from during this unprecedented crisis.”

For further information on how to access online resilience training, contact student.support@nrc.ac.uk