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NRC Art Students Exhibit at Braid Symposium


Art & Design students at the Northern Regional College have participated in the symposium event at The Braid Arts Centre. The event entitled ‘Space: A Social Agenda’ explored art and architecture with talks and exhibitions in areas with social relevance to Ballymena.

Art & Design students at the Northern Regional College have participated in the symposium event at The Braid Arts Centre. The event entitled ‘Space: A Social Agenda’ explored art and architecture with talks and exhibitions in areas with social relevance to Ballymena.

Art & Design students from Level 2, Level 3 and the Foundation Diploma, as part of their induction week project, produced designs from photographs they took of the local environment and then created and produced prints, which formed their exhibition. Wendy Waring NRC Art & Design Lecturer said that “This was a very exciting and challenging project for our students to be involved in. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to showcase our students work, particularly as the work exhibited is of such a high standard, at this major art event.”

Nine of the students were also chosen to support the event by meeting and greeting visitors and recording the events of the symposium.

Darlene Hagan- Bezgin, Curriculum Manager in Art & Design at NRC added that “We try to actively encourage and develop curriculum which meets the needs of industry. Having students work on “real live” projects which are inspiring and in collaboration with The Braid Arts Centre is extremely valuable to them, in terms of learning, experience and knowledge.”