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NRC Business Administration Students to Participate in Charity Walk in aid of ‘No More Traffik’


Fourteen Business Administration students from the Northern Regional College, Trostan Avenue, Ballymena have organised a 6 mile sponsored walk on Tuesday 1 April at the ECOS Centre, in Ballymena, to support the charity ‘No More Traffik’ as part of their OCR Level 3 Diploma course.

‘No More Traffik’ works in partnership with ‘Stop the Traffik’ as well as the PSNI to prevent and deter the ongoing problem of human trafficking in Northern Ireland.  After a spokeswoman had given a talk on the charity a few of the students felt strongly that the issue of human trafficking had to be addressed.  There were 1,186 potential victims in the UK referred to the National Referral Mechanism for trafficking in 2012.  31% of these potential victims were aged 17 or under.  With Northern Ireland having the highest rate of Human Trafficking it is time to take action.

If you would like to get involved in this sponsored walk please contact Lawrence Purdy at the Trostan Avenue Building on 028 2563 6221.