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NRC Career Academy (Engineering) students ROCK LONDON!


Fourteen NRC Engineering Career Academy students visited London last week where they viewed the Crossrail Project. This is a major engineering project which is underway to link East and West London undergrounds. During the visit the students had the opportunity to meet with senior staff and young graduates to discuss the project and the options available for their future.

After lunch they met up with 1,300 other Career Academy students from all around the UK for a motivational afternoon in London’s Dominion Theatre – home of Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ musical. Here they got to listen to motivational talkers and entertainers. The students are now motivated and embarking on the next stage of their Career Academy (Engineering) programme. They will soon be making behind the scenes visits to industry and meeting up with their one-to-one industry mentors in companies where they are planning to spend summer 2014 in paid employment. 

NRC is the first college in Northern Ireland to pilot an Engineering Career Academy programme and now offers FE Students a direct route into employment and is ultimately aimed at increasing their employability. The programme is part funded by the Department for Employment & Learning (DEL) and supported heavily by local industry who view the programme as a way to recruit and importantly build a pool of engineering staff. 

Career Academies UK helps raise young people’s aspirations and bridge the gap between education and work by giving them access to real experience of the world of work.

The business-led charity provides a structured programme of paid internships, mentoring, motivational lectures and workshops to give 16-19 year olds, largely from urban areas of social need, the work experience and skills they need to be able to perform more effectively in the wider world.