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NRC Engineering Ballymena student named top in Northern Ireland


Northern Regional College’s Jordan Hunter has been named as the Northern Ireland winner in the prestigious Sir Winfried Bischoff Award, which recognises the UK’s most promising students.

Jordan, who was just one of 12 students selected to take part in the College’s pioneering Engineering Career Academy, has received £250 and is in the running to be named as the student who has made the most progress on their two-year journey completing his studies and a placement at Hutchinson AeroTech.

The Sir Winfried Bischoff Award is named after former Lloyds Banking Group Chairman and former Career Academies UK Chair Sir Win Bischoff, and Jordan along with six other regional finalists will be travelling to London in May to be presented with his regional award and learn if he has won an all-expenses paid trip to the USA to meet with some of New York’s biggest employers, and Career Academies UK’s sister organisation the National Academy Foundation.

William Watson, Curriculum Manager, Career Academy (Engineering) says, “I’m absolutely delighted for Jordan. We put him forward for this award because he has shown so much promise as well as determination to do well. The Ballymena campus was the first in Northern Ireland to pilot the engineering programme in 2012 and we have had excellent feedback from all the companies we have worked with.

“Jordan has always given his best in lectures, mentoring, workplace visits and internships and taken the opportunity that both the Career Academy and Hutchinson AeroTech gave him and gone over and above that which is required.”

Jordan, who began studying for a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering in 2012, spent six weeks at Hutchinson AeroTech, and following his initial placement the company were so pleased with his work that they extended his internship and have now contracted him to work two days per week whilst completing his studies.

Mark Hutchinson, Managing Director Hutchinson AeroTech, said, “Congratulations to Jordan, he is a pleasure to work with and always eager to learn and get stuck in. As a company we value those who hard work. We also want to ensure that the younger generation understands the varied career roles that are available to them if they study STEM subjects.

“I wish Jordan all the best in the overall finals in London and have no doubt that whatever the outcome he will be a great ambassador for the NRC Career Academy, us as a company and for young people in Northern Ireland.”

Career Academies UK is a national charity that helps raise young people’s aspirations and bridge the gap between education and work by giving them access to real experience of the world of work. NRC works to provide a structured programme of paid internships, mentoring by employer volunteers, motivational lectures and workshops to give 16-19 year olds the work experience and skills they need to be able to perform more effectively in the wider world.

Commenting on the award, Jordan Hunter said, “Studying at the Engineering Career Academy and working with the team at Hutchinson AeroTech has not only built my confidence but shown me the endless possibilities out there. I can’t believe I’ve won this award and I just want to thank everyone who has helped me over the past two years.

“I would definitely encourage anyone to apply for the Career Academies scheme, it gives you the help and training as well as key skills to hopefully get a first step on the career ladder – and maybe even a trip to the USA!”