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NRC Newtownabbey Level 1 Childcare Celebration Day


Level 1 Childcare students at the Northern Regional College, Newtownabbey were joined by Patricia Lewsley-Mooney, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People and Jo Bailey, Business Enterprise Manager from the awarding body OCNNI at the recent Celebration Day.

This event was organised to give staff, students and their families the opportunity to recognise the achievement of the students in successfully completing the NOCN Level 1 Diploma in Childcare qualification.

John Pillar, Curriculum Manager commented “This is a really worthwhile event which recognises the achievement of these students and is also a great opportunity to join in celebrating their success with both them and their family and friends.  I hope to see many of them returning to progress onto our Level 2 programmes.”

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People, Patricia Lewsley – Mooney, said: “I am delighted by the achievements of Level 1 Childcare students from Northern Regional College. The course they undertook provides a very strong basis for students to progress into many areas.

“Importantly it builds skills for ‘Listening to Children’, ‘Understanding Child Development’ and ‘Understanding the Importance of Play’.

“The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, on which my work is based, places great importance on the voice of the child, healthy child development and the importance of play in children’s lives. I wish all the students well in their future studies and careers.”

The Level 1 Diploma in Childcare course is a one year full-time programme.  The students follow a course of study which aims to prepare them for the world of work and for progression onto other educational or training programmes.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of our full-time and part-time childcare courses visit our website www.nrc.ac.uk or contact our Central Admissions Team on 028 7034 0115.