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NRC Promotes Six Book Challenge Adult Literacy Drive


Northern Regional College has joined up with bestselling crime author Martina Cole and national charity The Reading Agency, to get even more adults in the College reading, through the nationwide Six Book Challenge reading and adult literacy programme.

The annual Six Book Challenge was launched at NRC’s Library in the Coleraine Campus inviting students from all departments to pick six reads of their choice and complete a reading diary. Incentives are offered along the way and students who accomplish the challenge, will be awarded a certificate.

NRC Learning Resources Manager Ruth Hutchinson said that “The Challenge is aimed primarily at less confident readers and students who want to improve their reading or get back into reading. It’s a fun way to encourage students studying Essential Skills and ESOL courses to join in. They have the option of not just reading books but poems, articles, even digital games can count. It also encourages the students to go online to share their reading choices and look at their next read. The Challenge will take place in each of NRC’s Library’s this week.”

Launched in 2008, The Reading Agency’s annual, nationwide Six Book Challenge encourages readers to develop a new reading habit and improve their skills at the same time. Martina Cole, the acknowledged queen of crime drama, is the official ambassador of the latest Six Book Challenge. Martina Cole says: "I really wanted to become an ambassador for The Reading Agency because reading is such a big part of my life. The wonderful thing about the Six Book Challenge is that people who don't normally read, or who think that reading isn't their bag, are encouraged to pick up a book.”