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NRC Science Students Gain from University Visit


Students at the Northern Regional College, Coleraine Campus studying for a Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Applied Science were given the opportunity to hear at first hand, new career opportunities available in science, with the University of Ulster.

Dr Sarah Atkinson, Faculty for Life and Health Studies at the University of Ulster, provided a very informative talk to students on a new course in Stratified Medicine. Her presentation provided a background to the new course, research, study methods and employability options upon completion. 

Johanne Brolly, NRC Lecturer in Science said, “Our links with Higher Education Institutions are very strong and we were delighted that Dr Sarah Atkinson took the time to visit the College. Stratified Medicine is the cutting edge of a new era for medicine. The study of this subject provides the student with the ability to understand how genes, lifestyle and environment can influence disease and revolutionise healthcare practices.”

The students gained a lot of information on the new course and they were given the opportunity to develop their understanding of the commercial environment, careers and pathways open to scientists, in today’s global market.