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NRC Students Parade Glamour in Nail Art Competition


Hollywood glamour visited Beauty Therapy students at the Northern Regional College, who were competing in a nail art competition.

The event, which was organised by the Beauty Department in the college, brought together students who are studying Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing to create a competition with the theme of ‘Hollywood Glamour’.

Nail art is a creative practice of painting decorative designs on fingernails. It's a fun way to accessorize a special occasion outfit, and is becoming increasingly popular in the fashion industry today. 

Leanne Clydesdale, NRC Lecturer for Level 3 Nail Technology, stated, “This event is a fun and creative way to capture the imagination of the students and to let them work on a live project, so that they fully understand what is required by the industry. Creating a competition which allows our hairdressing and beauty therapy students to work together, and choose classic Hollywood glamour icons so they can demonstrate their work, all adds to the competitiveness and attraction of the event. The students have to create an image considering the hair, nails and outfit and then model the creation on the catwalk. We have a Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Dolly Parton, Rihanna and Angeline Jolie, and many more Holywood stars that everyone recognises.”

Judging the competition were Glynis Taylor and Kiera Taylor from Young Nails NI and Amber Rowlands from The Nail Room. The students were judged on the Hollywood character they created and on the nail art they designed to complement their screen idol.  The winner of the competition was Jessica Walsh, with Keira Connolly in 2nd place, and 3rd place was awarded to Stacy Purvis. Leanne added that she was very proud of the achievements of all the students, and that they have all demonstrated a high level of skill and creativity throughout the competition.