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NRC Students Take Part in an Internship with Kansas State University


NRC has signed a memorandum of understanding with both Kansas State University and Johnson County Community College to develop international staff and student links between the institutions.

The programme focuses particularly on the Hospitality and Counselling Sectors. This summer, June 2013, Jason Clyde, Level 3 full-time Catering & Hospitality student, and Kevin Brennan, Higher National Diploma in Business student, were selected to take part in an 8 week internship with Kansas State University.

The lucky students jetted off to Kansas mid-June to take up their work placement and gain experience in a variety of hospitality roles including event management, front of house, catering and housekeeping. The NRC students were paired with KSU students during their stay and had the opportunity to experience life on campus.

In return NRC hosted a graduate student in Conflict Resolution from Kansas State University for a five week study visit. During this time, Brett Mallon met with local community and voluntary groups to observe the community outreach work that takes place within NRC. He also worked on a 2 week summer scheme in Magherafelt, as part of the Living and Learning Together project, funded by Big Lottery, of which NRC is lead partner.

Later this year staff from the NRC Counselling department will visit Kansas to benchmark provision and share expertise with their counterparts at Kansas State University. It is hoped that a member of the Kansas faculty will visit NRC in 2014 to act as a keynote speaker at our annual counselling conference.