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On the Winning Team!


David Russell, Assistant Head of Department in Engineering & Built Environment is just back from Euroskills 2016 and celebrating the success of the UK Mechatronics team who he trained and mentored in his role as UK Mechatronics Expert.

At the competition in Gothenburg, Tom Revell and Sam Hillier, employed by Toyota Manufacturing UK, were awarded a Bronze medal in the Mechatronics competition. 

David explained: “I have been part of the WorldSkills UK Expert training team since 2010 and I am delighted with Tom and Sam’s success.  The mechatronics competition is particularly challenging as it comprises unseen tasks which require competitors to assemble, wire, plumb and programme an automated production line – all under intense competition conditions.”

“My role has been to provide specialised international standard training to the Mechatronics squad (currently four competitors).  My congratulations go to all Worldskills UK squad members who competed in Gothenburg, and particularly to Tom and Sam who came third out of a total of 15 competing European teams.  They will now continue training in preparation for the Team UK selection event in March 2017 to decide who will represent the UK at the Worldskills competition in Abu Dhabi in October 2017.”

“During the time I have been involved in this role, the College has benefitted significantly from global networking and sharing of best practice which have ultimately impacted positively on our curriculum design and delivery within Engineering.”

See Tom and Sam celebrating completion of their task with David here and read more about the overall Team UK success here.

Photo Credit: BBC