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Prince’s Trust Students Fundraise to help Fort Centre RDA NI


Northern Regional College Prince’s Trust students joined forces this year with the Fort Centre RDA NI in Maghera. The Fort Centre is a non-profit organisation which provides therapeutic riding programmes for children and adults with varying degrees of disabilities and learning difficulties. The centre is run entirely by a dedicated team of volunteers offering sessions throughout the day and evening time. Recently two of the horses have reached retirement age so they have had to purchase a new horse. Unfortunately the centre have not been granted funding for this so they have had to take the cost from their own limited budget. It is here where the Prince’s Trust Team’s fundraising comes in.

Fundraising activities are well underway to raise funds to help sponsor Socks the horse. The dedicated Team braved the elements to have a Street Collection which raised £217. Thank you to the kind people of Magherafelt for their donations! In total, so far the Team have raised £417 for this worthy cause but their hard work didn’t stop there! The Team worked on site in the Fort Centre for 3 days, cleaning the stables and helping clear the grounds of leaves and debris. They also had the rewarding experience of helping out at a session with Class J10 from Kilronan School. The extra help meant more horse time for each rider with 5 horses on the floor all morning. The Team had a great time and saw exactly how rewarding the sessions are for the children of Kilronan.

Prince’s Trust Programme is a 12 Week full-time course open to young people aged between 16 to 25 years old, where you can meet new people, work as a team and gain qualifications in Personal Development and Community.  The next Prince’s Trust Programme is due to start on 22nd February 2016.  For further details on the Prince’s Trust programme please contact Naomi Petropolous or Kiera Hughes on 07554118304

There is still time to donate to this worthy cause and help Socks the horse settle in to the centre! You can now donate online at https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/naomi-petropoulos. Every donation helps!