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PwC Technology Roadshow at Northern Regional College


Students at Northern Regional College Magherafelt and Newtownabbey campuses were visited by Jacob Robinson and Rebecca Neill as part of the PwC NI’s Tech Schools on Tour. Visiting 20 schools and colleges over a 2 week period, the main objective in delivering these presentations is to help create awareness around the Technology opportunities that exist within PwC, and to encourage students to study STEM subjects.

Jacob and Rebecca provided a fun and interactive workshop designed to engage, inform and inspire the students. The session involved them sharing their personal stories and reflections, blended with key information about PwC, what they do and opportunities on offer through interactive games and activities. There was also plenty of opportunity for questions and students were provided with a networking opportunity after the presentation.

PwC’s Rebecca Neill, Senior Associate Technology Consulting explained ‘It is important that students know the breadth of options available to them through not only PwC NI, but also in the wider Technology Sector. There are a variety of pathways into the firm for graduates, undergraduates and school or college leavers.

Students were informed, excited and enthused about the career opportunities and were encouraged to explore options within PwC. Lecturer in Computing Kevin Meehan said ‘This was a great opportunity for students to gain an understanding of how innovative technologies are used in the workplace and the careers available within PwC.’

In 2016, PwC NI will recruit just over 250 into their school & college leaver, undergraduate & graduate roles.  For further information, please visit http://www.pwc.com/uk/careers/student/belfastjobs