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Record Number of Northern Regional College Students Attend Career Ready Graduation


Northern Regional College students will be among the record number of young people to be recognised at tonight's Career Ready graduation ceremony in Queen's University Belfast. The graduation ceremony marks a major milestone on the Career Ready students’ career progression path and, with a total of 24 engineering students and 13 IT students graduating, Northern Regional College was well represented among the record number of Career Ready graduates from schools and college across Northern Ireland.

As part of the two-year Career Ready programme, students receive mentoring, a paid internslhip, and skill development opportunities, giving them a platform for a successful and rewarding future.

Congratulating all those who participated in the Career Ready programme, Career Ready Northern Ireland Manager, Tony Madden said:

“We’re very proud of all our talented young people who are graduating after two years of hard-work, determination and progress. The progress made by our students is a result of our network of employer supporters across Northern Ireland, who have ensured that our young people have the opportunity to enjoy a future reflecting their true talents.”

Gemma Goodrich and Bill Watson, Career Ready Coordinators at Northern Regional College added their congratulations, saying that the graduation ceremony marks the end of a really exciting time for the College’s IT and Engineering Career Ready students.

Gemma continued: “As always, we are hugely impressed by the commitment of both students and employers and because of the work they put in it really gives the students the edge when it comes to finding work. We are immensely proud of them and look forward to following their careers with interest."

Career Ready works across Northern Ireland to provide students with the paid internships, mentoring and masterclasses on skills for career success needed to prepare for the world of work.

According to latest data, 98% of Career Ready students go onto a positive destination after graduating, and 96% of mentors said that their student had developed their employability skills over the programme.