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Special Celebration Events for Northern Regional College Students


Northern Regional College is hosting a series of events to celebrate the achievements of some its remarkable students who completed inclusive learning programmes at the College. Over 120 students and parents, including a group of 20 students from Sandleford School in Coleraine, attended the first event at the College’s Ballymoney campus. Among those to receive certificates of achievements were Lifeskills students who completed entry level awards in ICT, Literacy, Numeracy, Cookery and Independent Travel.

The Lifeskills programme is delivered on a part-time basis, allowing the students to divide their time between attending College and the workplace.  It covers a range of different subject areas depending on the individual student’s needs and is designed to help build confidence and allow the student to develop new skills.

Two of the Lifeskills students to receive certificates of achievement were Philip Waring and William McCosh from Coleraine who between them they have clocked up an incredible 33 years in the workplace.

With 19 years’ service under his belt, Philip is one of the longest serving employees at McDonald’s in Coleraine while William has been employed at the Magherabouy Hotel for over 14 years, prepping vegetables in the hotel’s busy kitchen and assisting with portering duties.

The College’s full time students who completed inclusive learning programmes such as Route2work, Aspire2work, Workready or Transition2Work were also recognised at the Ballymoney event. 

These programmes are designed to help prepare students for employment or other further education courses. The students work towards achieving certificates in Essential skills (ICT, Application of Number and Communication); Employability; Social Media as well as certificates in a range of vocational skills including catering, horticulture, housekeeping and administration.

As an integral part of the programme, full time inclusive learning students complete a placement with a local employer and last year, over 95% of them were either offered jobs with their placement employer or progressed on to other further education courses at the College.

Welcoming the students and their guests to the event, Aaron Ballantyne, Head of Department of Science and Services Industries, said staff at the College worked hard to help students reach their full potential.

He congratulated the students for all their hard work and effort over the past year and acknowledged the support of their families and the College’s external partners like Northern Health and Social Care Trust Day Opportunities team who help to organise placements.

“The strong partnership between the College, the students and their families, the Day Opportunities team and local employers helps provide an environment where all students develop skills and grow in confidence to each their full potential."

Photos from the special celebration events can be downloaded from Flickr.