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Still Time to Enrol


It’s not too late to enrol on a full-time course. We still have some places available on a number of courses across all our campuses. Sign up today and you can start straight away. Staff are here to help make the application process easy, and will assist with Student Finance and any other questions you may have.

Places still available on courses ranging from diplomas and apprenticeships through to Foundation Degrees.

Contact staff in the subject areas you are interested in:

Louise Grainger - Business, Computing & Creative Studies, louise.grainger@nrc.ac.uk or 028 9085 5000 Ext 1247

Emma McGookin – Engineering & Built Environment, emma.mcgookin@nrc.ac.uk or 028 25664281 or 028 9085 5000 Ext 1244

Dolores McGuckin – Care & Access, dolores.mcguckin@nrc.ac.uk or 028 79395225

Jude McCook – Science & Service Industries, jude.mccook@nrc.ac.uk or 028 70354717

Alternatively, click here for contact details of your local campus or call in and one of our reception staff will be happy to help you.

Other useful contact details are:

Student Finance – 028 2563 6230

Student Support – studentsupport@nrc.ac.uk

Staff are on hand to ensure that you can avail of any student finance or additional support applicable.