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Student Health Fair at St Marys Grammar School, Magherafelt


The Living & Learning Together project has co-ordinated a schools health event held in St Marys Grammar school in Magherafelt, with over 500 pupils taking part. At the event over 25 exhibitors have provided information on the services and activities that they provide for young people Representatives at the Health fair included Magherafelt District Advice services, Barnardo's Young Carers project, N.I. anti bullying forum, smoking cessation, TIPSA –Tackling issues and preventing substance abuse and the Police and community safety partnership.

The event also included advice on healthy eating and sample healthy snacks with demonstrations of quick and simple healthy eating ideas. The event is a partnership based initiative in association with Magherafelt Learning partnership and the Children and Young person’s strategic partnership. The schools wish to support young people and signpost them to a range of services that are available to them by promoting the services that are locally provided and to enable more information to be made available on what activities are in place across Magherafelt.

The event gave young people the opportunity to see the range of services that can support them across the Magherafelt Council area. Living and Learning Together is a 5 year Big Lottery funded programme assisting communities in the Magherafelt and Antrim area to Enhance and develop skills, to address health and wellbeing issues and to develop social inclusion.  The programme is committed to bringing real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need.

For further information on the event please see the project website: http://livingandlearningtogether.org or contact;

Marie Donaghy, Project Manager Tel: 02879 395237, Mobile: 07899915708
Email: marie.donaghy@nrc.ac.uk